Product Standard & Quality
Malaysia’s export in the global marketplace has buyers and customers seeking our Malaysian products,
as we take great pride in quality par excellence as certified by SIRIM Berhad, the national organisation
for standards and quality ensuring product in a comprehensive range of certification, inspection and
testing services that conform to international standards and guides as well as environmental standards
according to ISO14001.
SIRIM Berhad is affiliated with the following overseas certification bodies:
- Singapore Productivity and Standards Board (PSB)
- Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)
- Japanese Quality Assurance (JQA)
- Japan Electrical Testing Laboratory (JET)
- Reinisch Westfalischer Technischer
- Uberwachungsa Verein (RWTUV) of Federal Republic of Germany
- British Standards Institution Quality Assurance (BSI QA)
- Underwriter Laboratory (UL)
- VDE-Pruefstelle, F.G Germany (VDE)
- State Administration of Import and Export Commodities of China (SACI)
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- Tot Kevring van Leektrotechnische Materialen, Netherlands (KEMA)
- Standards Association of Australia (SAA)
- Standard Association of New Zealand (SANZ)
- Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
- MITI, Japan (For JIS Certification)
- Vehicles Certification Agency, UK (VCA)
- Association of Short-Circuit Testing Authority Inc. (ASTA)
Some of the above-mentioned agencies have appointed SIRIM as an inspection agent to conduct inspection on their behalf for Malaysian companies wishing to export overseas.
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